Tuesday, June 9, 2009

DNA for the LCD

I was arguing with a pseudo-intellectual on a website today. Reading the bloviated rantings of a self esteem victim, when I had an epiphany. Inbreeding can lead to faux intellectualism. Normally we associate bedding a relative with flipper babies and causing toothbrush companies to market to the Blue states and this is true, for the most part. What ISN'T talked about is how royal families, well to do families and intellectuals fucked each other to foster a "better breed".

What this has resulted in are book smart creatures with MAJOR psychological issues. They will postulate these grandiose theories on how life works and pontificate on it, all the while they curl up like an armadillo when put into a social situation. They often resemble the classic inbred creature as well.

What do you do when you meet these creatures? Here's 5 steps to getting out of there with your pity intact.

1. Do not look them straight in the eye. It will make both parties uncomfortable and open up the possibility of being stalked by a needy, high ranking D&D Wizard with a million experience points

2. Do not discuss politics with them. They will try to convince you that their world view is the only one. This is true in their universe, but since they don't understand human interaction at a base level, they will not grasp the concept of other people.

3. Avoid computers at all costs. Don't speak of them, don't go near one and DEFINITELY don't speak of a computer while you're near one.

4. Hold the laughter to a minimum. Even if you find them funny, don't laugh. Trust me, the needy psycho stuff is there under the surface. When it comes out, it will unleash a fury upon you like Mongolians to a wall in China.

5. Do not bring up hobbies or interests. This will invariably lead to items 1-4 happening.

Please use this knowledge to avoid the inbred intellectuals. Your free thought will thank you for it.

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